Thursday, December 9, 2010

Some beginning thoughts on Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

As an osteopath William Sutherland studied the bones of the skull for many years and came to the conclusion that these bones move and are connected to the central nervous system and the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes it.

This fluid has a rhythm not controlled by any external muscular movement but from within, by our own inherent life force known as the Breath of Life.

The expression of the BOL at a cellular level is a fundamental necessity for good health.  If the rhythmic motions become restricted our health is compromised.  The main intention of cranial work is to encourage these rhythmic expressions of health.

Dr. Sutherland concluded that he did not DO the healing – he simply listened to and supported its unfoldment.  His premise that you could RELY upon the tide is the basis for biodynamic craniosacral therapy.  The Intelligence in these fluids will respond to the practitioner showing up.

Basically, this means by being present to what is arising in the moment and holding an open awareness the client’s system will work towards its own state of balance - and healing happens.  On some molecular, cellular level the body feels heard.  And to be heard is to be healed.

In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy our touch is on a level that is common to all of us and referred to as joint practice.  It takes a total commitment of the practitioner to surrender into that place of unknowing that connects us with the stillness.  We surrender into the insecurity of not knowing – which carries infinite potential. 

To sit in stillness and rely on Intelligence to restore its equilibrium is very challenging.  All sorts of movements, images and thoughts come into our awareness.  Sitting in stillness without engaging in the perceived process flies in the face of all our recent cultural backgrounds.  Our system of health care focuses on a diagnosis and then a treatment.  The established health care modality is to take away the power of the patient and have her surrender that power to the all-knowing medical god.

With Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy the “power” resides within.  It is awakened by the presence of the practitioner acting as a “witness”.  And this witness has to leave all notions behind and enter into the relationship with a clear, supportive open heart and mind, ready to experience a revelation!

We enter a state below the level where dis-ease came into being.  A place of Spirit – not yet expressed, where the choice exists, through the remembrance of that intention of NOT being a victim of undigested and disempowering life experience. 

We show up with an open awareness and curiosity for infinite possibilities.  We say the work is doing the work.  From my experience I’ve found that when I tinker with the fluids or the membranes I am making an assumption that I know what to do to with that person’s system and inevitably the issue returns.  The system will not change from the outside.  It is the inner knowing that reorganizes itself. 

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